1.纪录片《我们的地球》 第269期 壮丽山脉(14)
Night comes to an end... and the sunshine returns. 寒夜将尽,阳光回归大地。 The groundsels spread their leaves wide to bask in the sunshine once again...
2.纪录片《我们的地球》 第270期 壮丽山脉(15)
Walking on thin ice is always risky. 走在薄冰上总是危机四伏。 And it's hard to retain one's dignity... especially when you're wearing stilts. 而且当你...
3.纪录片《我们的地球》 第271期 壮丽山脉(16)
During the breeding season, 在繁殖季节, the flamingos perform these peculiar courtship dances even through the hottest time of the day. 即便在一天中...
4.纪录片《我们的地球》 第255期 偏远岛屿(26)
With another storm coming in, they decide to take their chance. 下一场暴风雨就来了,他们决定试试运气。 Jerome has seconds to get in and out between th...
5.纪录片《我们的地球》 第235期 偏远岛屿(06)
The limited food and space on small islands can often lead to intense competition. 岛屿上有限的食物和空间时常激起激烈的竞争。 But some islands are imm...
6.纪录片《我们的地球》 第236期 偏远岛屿(07)
The largest, the indri, seldom comes down from the branches. 体型最大的马达加斯加大狐猴极少下树。 The much smaller ringtails wander in troops across t...
7.纪录片《我们的地球》 第237期 偏远岛屿(08)
Island life encourages animals to do things differently. 岛屿生态迫使动物另辟蹊径。 And on some islands that is essential. 在某些岛上,这是必备的生存...
8.纪录片《我们的地球》 第238期 偏远岛屿(09)
The surrounding sea, however, is particularly rich with life. 然而环岛的海中却孕育着丰富的生命。 And the frontier between these two very different wor...
9.纪录片《我们的地球》 第239期 偏远岛屿(10)
But not all the relationships on this island are so harmonious. 但岛上的生存关系并不是都如此和谐。 Marine iguanas lay their eggs in sand. 海鬣蜥将蛋下...
10.纪录片《我们的地球》 第240期 偏远岛屿(11)
Another hatchling has its first glimpse of a dangerous world. 另一只刚孵化的小鬣蜥第一次见识了这个危险的世界。 A snake's eyes aren't very good, but th...