1.纪录片《我们的地球》 第203期 季节森林(17)
Spring in a deciduous woodland is special. 春天的落叶林是很特别的。 With no leaves overhead, the rays of the sun strike the forest floor directly, 由...
2.纪录片《我们的地球》 第204期 季节森林(18)
Then, after a few months, the days begin to shorten again 几个月后,白昼又开始缩短, and the trees must shut down and shed their leaves in preparation...
3.纪录片《我们的地球》 第205期 季节森林(19)
The forest resembles a European woodland in mid winter, 这片森林看上去和冬季欧洲的森林相似, but the heat is overpowering, and it's inhabitants, unfam...
4.纪录片《我们的地球》 第206期 季节森林(20)
Tropical Madagascar. The wet season. 马达加斯加岛的热带地区。湿季。 It's now that the baobab trees regrow their leaves 现在波巴布树长出了新叶, and co...
5.纪录片《我们的地球》 第207期 季节森林(21)
The mouse lemurs have been hibernating throughout the dry season. 鼠狐猴从干季的冬眠中醒来。 With the return of rains it's time to get busy. 雨季来临...
6.纪录片《我们的地球》 第208期 季节森林(22)
Nectar was an excellent first course for the lemurs, but moths are the main dish. 花蜜是鼠狐猴的美妙的饭前点心,飞蛾才是正餐。 The moths are very impo...
7.纪录片《我们的地球》 第187期 季节森林(01)
Trees. Surely among the most magnificent of all living things. 树木,是众多生命中的伟大一员。 Some are the largest organisms on Earth, dwarfing all ot...
8.纪录片《我们的地球》 第188期 季节森林(02)
At the Taiga's northern extent, the growing season can last for just one month a year. 在针叶林的北部区域,树木的一年内的生长时节只有1个月。 It can ta...
9.纪录片《我们的地球》 第189期 季节森林(03)
With so few prey animals here, life for a hunter is particularly hard. 猎物是如此之少,捕猎对于它们来说是极端困难。 Creatures are scarce because few c...
10.纪录片《我们的地球》 第190期 季节森林(04)
But one animal is so expert at survival in this frozen forest 不过有一种动物是在这个冰雪森林中生存的专家, that it stays here and is active all year l...