1.纪录片《我们的地球》 第384期 奇迹城市(26)
To capture their movements in their rooftop world, 为了拍摄它们在屋顶上活动的画面, they need to run a cable between buildings and fly a camera along ...
2.纪录片《我们的地球》 第385期 奇迹城市(27)
The team is getting an insight at all levels into the monkeys' mischievous lives. 摄制组对猴子们恶作剧般的生活进行了全方位的深入拍摄。 And are startin...
3.纪录片《我们的地球》 第386期 奇迹城市(28)
Back in Mumbai, the camera traps are revealing where the leopards are coming out. 回到孟买,这些相机陷阱拍摄到了豹子们现身的地点。 But to stand any ch...
4.纪录片《我们的地球》 第387期 奇迹城市(29)
Over the next month, this camera enables Gordon to see into the darkness, 接下来的一个月里,这台摄影机让戈登得以透过黑暗的阻隔, and be the first pers...
5.纪录片《我们的地球》 第388期 奇迹城市(30)
It isn't just Gordon getting an insight into the surprising wildlife encounters possible in the city. 不仅是戈登拍摄到了与野生动物在城市中相遇的惊人画...
6.纪录片《我们的地球》 第373期 奇迹城市(15)
The ancient meat market. 一家历史悠久的肉店。 The scent of all these carcasses lies heavy in the air. 动物残骸的浓重气息飘散在空气中。 This tradition ...
7.纪录片《我们的地球》 第365期 奇迹城市(7)
It's not only the abundance of food that attracts wild animals to cities. 充足的食物并不是吸引野生动物迁入城市的唯一要素。 They're usually several deg...
8.纪录片《我们的地球》 第366期 奇迹城市(8)
On these cold winter nights, the city's extra warmth can mean the difference between life and death. 在这样寒冷的冬夜里,城市的温暖可能事关生死存亡。 ...
9.纪录片《我们的地球》 第367期 奇迹城市(9)
A clothes peg! Excellent! 晾衣夹!太棒了! And a shiny toy car. 还有一辆闪亮的玩具车。 It's a risky game if you get caught. The owner is back. 如果被...
10.纪录片《我们的地球》 第368期 奇迹城市(10)
Perhaps a little plastic piping? 这个塑料管怎么样? Or maybe a bit of coloured string? 我还有鲜艳的红丝线? But his guest doesn't seem to be paying mu...