美国语文第五册 第56期:公正不会缺席(4)
时间:2018-05-09 01:02:18
The traveler drew near the board, but when he saw the scanty1 fare, 那位来客走近桌子,看见桌上那丁点食物,
he raised his eyes toward heaven with
astonishment2: "And is this all your store?" said he; 他仰起头惊讶地问,“所有食物就这些?
and a share of this do you offer to one you know not? then never saw I charity before! 难道你还愿意与陌生人分享?这是我未曾见过的慈悲!
But, madam, said he, continuing, "do you not wrong your children by giving a part of your last mouthful to a stranger?" 不过,夫人,他说,“给陌生人哪怕一口吃的,难道不委屈你的孩子们吗?”
"Ah," said the poor widow—and the tear-drops
gushed3 into her eyes as she said it, “哎,”那位寡母叹了口气,泪如泉涌,
I have a boy, a darling son, somewhere on the face of the wide world, 我有个儿子,伶俐可爱,他现在一定还活在这世上某个地方。
unless Heaven has taken him away, and I only act toward you as I would that others should act toward him. 只有圣父才能将他带走,我为你做这点事,就是指望别人亦能这样善待他。
God, who sent manna from heaven, can provide for us as he did for Israel; 我的上帝,谁能从天上为我们孤儿寡母带回他的恩赐,就像他当年赐予以色列人那样?
and how should I this night offend him, if my son should be a wanderer,
destitute4 as you, 假如我的孩子也在流浪,和你一样无助无望,他也该有个地方可以过夜,风寒抵御,
and he should have provided for him a home, even poor as this, were I to turn you unrelieved away! 哪怕和我们这间小屋如此简陋,如果我拒绝落难中的你,我怎能指望别人亦能为他做点什么!
The widow ended, and the stranger, springing from his seat, clasped her in his arms. 那位寡母刚说完,陌生人“腾”地一声站起,将她揽进怀里,
God indeed has provided your son a home, and has given him wealth to reward the goodness of his benefactress: my mother! oh, my mother! 上帝确实为你的儿子准备了住所,并且赐予他财富,以报答母亲的养育之恩,妈妈!噢,我的妈妈!
It was her long lost son, returned to her
bosom5 from the Indies. 原来,这位陌生人正是寡妇失去音讯很久的儿子。他刚从印度群岛返回,
He had chosen that disguise that he might the more completely surprise his family; 原本想给全家一个惊喜,才装扮成过路人进屋打听。
and never was surprise more perfect, or followed by a sweeter cup of joy. 这真是让全家人意想不到的天大惊喜,随后,狭小木屋顿时变成一片欢乐的海洋。