美国语文第五册 第83期:花朵的死亡(2)
时间:2018-05-09 01:48:20
And now, when comes the calm, mild day, 万物复苏,大地苏醒回暖,
As still such days will come, 微风吹拂,阳光又现人间。
To call the squirrel and the bee, 春姑娘脚步,轻声呼唤,
From out their winter home; 走出巢穴,冬眠者不再梦酣。
When the sound of dropping nuts is heard, 每棵树木,伫立冬天的沉思,
Though all the trees are still, 万籁静寂,松果落地的铮然,
And twinkle in the smoky light, 河水蜿蜒,流淌出潺潺快意,
The waters of the rill, 星光闪烁,烟波浩渺的水面。
The south wind searches for the flowers, 春风呵,你追着千花万朵寻来,
And sighs to find them in the wood, And by the stream no more. 长吁短叹,那清香竟来自灌丛,幽静河畔,花的踪迹早已杳然。
And then I think of one, who in, Her youthful beauty died, 我想起,那位清纯少女,青春靓丽,尚未绽放的花蕾,
The fair,
meek2 blossom that grew up, 亭亭玉立,羞赧迷人的笑脸,
And faded by my side. 旋即枯萎,凋谢在我的身边。
In the cold, moist earth we laid her, 亲手将她葬进,冰冷潮湿的墓地,
When the forest cast the leaf, 落叶为穹,无限惆怅倍添,
And we wept that one so lovely, Should have a life so brief; 长泣而痛,为何美丽短暂?红销香断,难道天妒红颜?
Yet not unmeet it was that one, Like that young friend of ours, 青山逶迤,远走了你的笑容,绿水悠悠,流去了你的温柔,
So gentle and so beautiful, 一缕相思,今朝无从寻觅,
Should perish with the flowers. 陌上花开,来年何以寄愁?