美国语文第五册 第88期:香水月季(1)
时间:2018-05-09 01:58:23
There it stood, in its little green vase, on a light ebony stand in the window of the drawing-room. 客厅窗边,一个浅乌檀色的花架上,一枝月季插在小小的绿色花瓶里。
The rich satin curtains, with their
costly1 fringes, swept down on either side of it, 昂贵的锦缎窗帘,配着昂贵的窗饰挂幔垂落。
and around it glittered every rare and fanciful trifle which wealth can offer to luxury, and yet that simple rose was the fairest of them all. 房间里,到处摆满了亮闪闪的稀罕物件,满目珠光宝气,满屋奢贵豪华。那支香水月季当属鹤立鸡群,
So pure it looked, its white leaves just touched with that delicious, creamy
tint2 peculiar3 to its kind: 素朴中透着清纯可爱,奶白色精致叶瓣,稀有品种的色泽,
its cup so full, so perfect,its head bending, as if it were sinking and melting away in its own richness. 它的花瓣饱满精致,花朵稍微前倾,宛如沉浸一种天籁富足的天地。
Oh! when did ever man make anything to equal the living, perfect flower! 哦,人类何时亦能创造出这类精美生物
But the sunlight that streamed through the window revealed something fairer than the rose, 阳光泻过窗帘,香水月季旁边更为亮眼。
a young lady reclining on an ottoman, who was thus addressed by her livelier cousin, 一位年轻女子斜倚在无背沙发上,活泼可爱的表妹正在与她聊天,
I say, cousin, I have been thinking what you are to do with your pet rose when you go to New York; as, to our
consternation4, you are
determined5 to do. 哦,表姐,我一直在想,如果你去纽约,怎么处理你那宝贝月季?大家很吃惊,你怎么坚持要走。
You know it would be a sad pity to leave it with such a scatter-brain as I am. 你要知道,把你钟爱的花留给我这样一个总爱丢三落四的主儿,可真够倒霉的。
I love flowers, indeed,—that is, I like a regular
bouquet6, cut off and tied up, to carry to a party; 我当然喜欢花,或换句话说,我偏爱那些修剪扎好后、风风光光捧去参加聚会的花。
but as to all this tending and fussing which is needful to keep them growing, I have no gifts in that line. 这种花那么娇嫩,每天打理起来烦不胜烦,我才没有兴趣哩。
"Make yourself easy as to that, Kate," said Florence, with a smile; “凯特,别那么紧张,”弗罗伦丝笑着说,
I have no intention of calling upon your talent; I have an
asylum7 in view for my favorite. 我可不指望你有那本事,我这有些救急的办法,你不妨查查。