美国语文第五册 第92期:香水月季(5)
时间:2018-05-09 02:07:50
Then why do you see the geranium or rose so carefully nursed in the old cracked teapot in the poorest room, 那么,为什么那些穷家陋户的破漏茶壶或瓦罐里,居然还种着天竺葵或月季,
or the morning-glory planted in a box and twined about the window? 或者木箱里还养着牵牛花,沿窗户向上缠绕攀爬?
Do not these show that the human heart
yearns1 for the beautiful in all ranks of life? 这些难道不是说明,不管人的职业高贵或低下,人们内心难道不是同样渴望美?追求美?
You remember, Kate, how our washerwoman sat up a whole night, after a hard day's work, to make her first baby a pretty dress to be baptized in. 凯特,你还记得,有一次,我们家洗衣女工干了一天活回到家,为了第二天的洗礼仪式,通宵达旦地为孩子缝制新裙子吗?
Yes, and I remember how I laughed at you for making such a tasteful little cap for it. 是的,记得,那时我还嘲笑你,费心劳神地做那么雅致的婴儿帽。
True, Kate, but I think the look of perfect delight with which the poor woman regarded her baby in its new dress and cap was something quite worth creating; 不错,凯特,漂亮的外貌当然使人愉悦,那可怜女人觉得,只要她的孩子能穿上新衣、戴上新帽,她付出一些辛苦当然值得,
I do believe she could not have felt more grateful if 1 had sent her a
barrel2 of flour. 更相信,如果那时我再送上一把鲜花,在她看来,不管怎样感激涕零,都难以表达她的心情。
Well, I never thought before of giving anything to the poor but what they really needed, 是的,我以前从未想到周济穷人,除非他们确实需要,
and I have always been willing to do that when I could without going far out of my way. 虽然,我一直想做力所能及的善事,却不愿偏离自己直觉太远。
Ah! cousin, if our heavenly Father gave to us after this
mode3, 哎呀!表妹,倘若天堂的圣父亦依据这种方式馈赠我们,
we should have only
coarse4, shapeless piles of
provisions5 lying about the world, 那么在这个世界上,或许,我们只有那些粗鄙不堪或乱七八糟的东西,
instead of all this beautiful variety of trees, and fruits, and flowers. 而不会类似现在,那些花草、树木以及果实等等的美丽组合。
Well, well, cousin, I suppose you are right, but have mercy on my poor head; 得了,得了,表姐,我觉得你说得都对,发发慈悲,饶过我这不开窍的可怜脑瓜,
it is too small to hold so many new ideas all at once, so go on your own way; 怎能转眼装下那么多新鲜念头,你还是忙你的去吧。
and the little lady began practicing a waltzing step before the glass with great satisfaction. 接着,对着镜子,小姑娘悠然自得地练习华尔兹舞步起来。