美国语文第五册 第114期:四十年前(2)
时间:2018-05-09 02:39:46
The spring that bubbled 'neath the hill, 山下有处泉水,汩汩冒泡,
Close by the spreading
beech1, 紧挨泉眼,有片山毛榉林,
Is very low; 't was once so high that we could almost reach; 现在山很矮,过去高不可攀,爬到顶,总是很难很难。
And kneeling down to take a drink, 我趴在泉边,啜饮山泉,
Dear Tom, I started so, 汤姆,我在琢磨思忖,
To think how very much I've changed Since forty years ago. 我的模样,究竟改变多少?时光穿梭,一晃四十年了。
Near by that spring, upon an elm, you know, I cut your name, 泉眼旁边,有棵棕榈树,你知道,我刻下你的名字,
Your sweetheart's just beneath it, Tom; 你心上人名字,镌刻下面,
And you did mine the same. 嘿嘿,居然与我暗恋一致。
Some heartless
wretch2 has peeled the bark; 哪个坏家伙,剥去树皮,
'T was dying sure, but slow, 苟延残喘的树,慢慢死去,
Just as that one whose name you cut 宛如,树干上清秀的姑娘,
Died forty years ago. 四十年前,远离你我而去。
My lids have long been dry, Tom, 汤姆,我闯荡多年波澜不惊,
But tears came in my eyes: 此刻,涕泗横流难掩悲伤,
I thought of her I loved so well, 当年,我爱得如痴如狂,
Those early broken ties. 一阵风,竟不知身在何方。
I visited the old churchyard, 我走进那间颓圮教堂,
And took some flowers to
strew3 upon the graves of those we loved iust forty years ago. 将带来的鲜花,轻轻放下,放在,我们爱过的坟茔前,往事四十载,心痛神殇。
Some are in the churchyard laid, 有的人,长眠教堂院内,
Some sleep beneath the sea; 有的人,永远躺在海底;
And none are left of our old class excepting you and me. 班上同学,除却你我,如今相聚已是,阴阳相隔。
And when our time shall come, Tom, 汤姆,你我上路的日子快了,
And we are called to go, 似乎有人,在远方呼唤,
I hope we'll meet with those we loved some forty years ago. 但愿,与爱恋的人重逢相依,共同翻动,人生如寄的篇章。