美国语文第五册 第137期:祷告时刻
时间:2018-05-10 06:09:04
Child, amid the flowers at play, 孩子,你在花丛间玩耍,
While the red light fades away; 红色灯火,落入黯淡,
Mother, with thine earnest eye, 妈妈回应,你殷切目光,
Ever following silently; 默默守护在,你的身旁。
Father, by the breeze at eve 圣诞夜,微风拂煦,
Called thy harvest work to leave; 爸爸离开家,他要工作,
Pray! Ere yet the dark hours be, 圣父呀!穿越荒凉的别离,
Lift the heart, and bend the knee. 我的心在颤栗,默默祷告。
Traveler, in the stranger's land, 孑然一身,走向陌生土地,
Far from thine own household band; 远远告别,温暖清馨家庭,
Mourner, haunted by the tone Of a voice from this world gone; 悲哀萦绕,欢歌笑语走远,孤单魂灵,与这个世界再见。
Captive, in whose narrow cell 船舱狭仄,无奈秋叶飘零,
Sunshine hath not leave to dwell; 阳光似乎,难得挽住时光,
Sailor, on the darkening sea; 水手,漂泊在黢黑的海面,
Lift the heart and bend the knee. 我的心在颤栗,默默祷告。
Warrior1, that from battle won, 战士,从胜利的战场凯旋,
Breathest now at set of sun; 正是日落夕阳,畅舒胸臆。
Woman, o'er the lowly
slain2 女人哭泣,为卑微生命的消失,
Weeping on his burial plain; 海上魂灵,究竟何处安依?
Ye that triumph, ye that sigh, 你的荣归,你的深深叹息,
Kindred by one holy tie, 家族的神圣血脉,血浓于水。
Heaven's first star alike ye see; 你看见,天空升起第一颗星,
Lift the heart, and bend the knee. 我的心在颤栗,默默祷告。