美国语文第五册 第154期:回家之路(1)
时间:2018-05-10 06:35:20
On our way from Springfield to Boston, a stout1, black-whiskered man sat immediately in front of me, in the drawing-room car, 我们坐在一辆从斯普林菲尔德开往波士顿火车的卧铺车厢里,一位壮硕结实、长有黑色胡须的男子恰好坐在我前面,
maneuvers2 were a source of constant amusement. 他的搞笑动作成为车厢笑料不断的来源。
He would get up every five minutes, hurry away to the narrow passage leading to the door of the car, and commence laughing in the most violent manner, 他总会每隔五分钟站起,匆忙离开座位,跑向通向车厢门边的过道,然后,肆无忌惮地开怀大笑,
continuing that healthful exercise until he observed that some one was watching him, when he would return to his seat. 直到觉察有人关注他,才会结束这种健康练习,返回他的座位。
As we neared Boston these
demonstrations3 increased in frequency and violence, but the stranger kept his seat and
chuckled4 to himself. 当火车接近波士顿,男人表演的频率增加,甚至举止更为疯狂;一旦坐下,那男人兀自咯咯地笑着,
He shifted the position of his two portmanteaus, or placed them on the seat as if he was getting ready to leave. 不停挪动自己两只旅行箱的位置,或干脆将其放在座位上,似乎马上他就会离开。
As we were at least twenty-five miles from Boston, such early preparations seemed extremely ridiculous. 当时,我们离波士顿最少还有二十五英里,如此早就做下车准备,看来太滑稽好笑。
He became so excited at last that he could not keep his secret. 最后他愈加激动,好像非得找人聊天一吐为快。
Some one must be made a confidant; and as I happened to be the nearest to him, he selected me. 我碰巧坐得离他最近,亦就理所当然地成为他情感宣泄的知己。
Turning around suddenly, and rocking himself to and fro in his chair, he said, 他突然转过身来,在座椅里前后摇晃地开口对我说,
I have been away from home three years. Have been in Europe. 我离家已经三年,一直待在欧洲。
My folks don't expect me for three months yet, but I got through and started. 我的老乡们三月内别指望见到我了,不过,我与他们已打过招呼了。
I telegraphed them at the last station—they've got the dispatch by this time. 我在最后离开的站台上与他们通过话,现在,他们想必接到我的快件了。
As he said this he rubbed his hands, and changed the portmanteau on his left to the right, and then the one on the right to the left. 他一边说,一边搓着手,然后将左手的旅行箱放到右边,右边的换到左边。