美国语文第五册 第160期:请给自由让路(2)
时间:2018-05-10 06:40:24
And what insurgent1 rage had gained, In many a mortal fray2 maintained: 愤怒之火,在起义者心中早已点燃,维系着,以死抗争的不灭信念。
Marshaled once more at Freedom's call, 自由在召唤,队伍再度整齐,
They came to conquer or to fall, 征服敌人,抑或裹尸疆场,
Where he who conquered, he who fell. 厮杀声中站立,呐喊声里倒毙,
Was deemed a dead or living Tell! 视死如归,生者死者的袒露秘密。
And now the work of life and death 生存抑或死亡,命悬一线,
Hung on the passing of a breath; 成功还是败馁,须臾之间,
The fire of conflict burned within; 怒火满腔,迸发出燃烧火焰,
The battle trembled to begin; 战栗的战斗,哗啦啦拉开序幕,
Yet, while the Austrians held their ground, 顽强抵抗,奥匈军固守脚下阵地,
Point for attack was nowhere found; 刀剑出鞘,起义军旋即难觅锋芒,
Where'er the impatient Switzers gazed, 焦虑的反抗者,如何突出重围?
The unbroken line of lances blazed; 长矛连绵,铮铮寒光凛冽,
That line't were suicide to meet, 风卷残云,他们纷纷拔剑自刎,
And perish at their
tyrants3' feet; 最终倒下,暴君脚下的血泊成河。
How could they rest within their graves, 墓穴里,死者何以超脱永久安息?
And leave their homes the home of slaves? 能否忍受,子孙后代受尽奴役?
Would they not feel their children tread With clanking chains above their head? 如何忍受,孩子们脚上铁镣叮当,在他们头顶,整夜徘徊终日难去?
It must not be: this day, this hour,
Annihilates4 the oppressor's power 这一日子,这一时刻,未必所有瑞士人,都能
All Switzerland is in the field, 义无反顾地揭竿起义,
She will not fly, she can not yield; 但他们绝不逃避或臣服;
Few were the numbers she could boast, 尽管能夸耀的英雄不多,
But every freeman was a host, 但所有人都是土地的主人。
And felt as though himself were he On whose sole arm hung victory. 国家解放,在于个体奋起,民族独立,人民需拿起武器。