美国语文第五册 第201期:遗产(2)
时间:2018-05-10 08:27:17
A heritage, it seems to me, a king might wish to hold in fee. 遗产,似乎对我来说,强者,希望永远拥有他的所有。
What doth the poor man's son inherit? 穷人子弟,继承什么?
A patience learned of being poor, 安于贫困忧患,面容坚毅,
Courage, if sorrow come, to bear it, 应对各种变故,宠辱不惊,
A fellow-feeling that is sure to make the outcast bless his door; 身处逆境,心系他人冷暖,心地善良,援手弱势群体;
A heritage, it seems to me, 遗产,似乎对我来说,
A king might wish to hold in fee. 强者,希望永远拥有他的所有。
O rich man's son! there is a
toil1 that with all others level stands: 哦,富家子弟的抉择,岂非金钱,便能全部应对?
Large charity doth never soil, 诸恶莫做,悲悯众生,
But only whiten soft, white hands, 扎实低调地行事做人,
This is the best crop from thy lands; 最好收获,来自庇阴的土地。
A heritage, it seems to me, worth being rich to hold in fee. 遗产,似乎对我来说,富人,值得永远拥有他的所有。
O poor man's son! scorn not thy state; 哦,穷家子弟,莫轻视自己,
There is worse weariness than thine in merely being rich and great: 那些,有钱人或大人物,与你相比,更为纠结焦虑,
Toil only gives the soul to shine, 磨难,让心灵熠熠生辉,
A heritage, it seems to me, worth being poor to hold in fee. 遗产,似乎对我来说,穷人,值得永远拥有他的所有。
Both, heirs to some six feet of sod, 富人穷人,最终皈依一抔黄土,
Are equal in the earth at last; 地狱门口,等级不再具有意义,
Both, children of the same dear God, 芸芸众生,沐浴在圣父光辉下,
Prove title to your
heirship4 vast 见证自己,天赋的神圣权利,
By record of a well-filled past; 充实的人生,记录真实,
A heritage, it seems to me, 遗产,似乎对我来说,
Well worth a life to hold in fee. 永远值得,拥有生命本质的所有。