美国语文第五册 第219期:斯格威尔的手段(1)
时间:2018-05-11 01:07:50
"Come," said Squeers, "let's go to the schoolroom; and lend me a hand with my school coat, will you?" “过来,”斯格威尔说,“我们去教室,帮我拿下我的校服。”
Nicholas assisted his master to put on an old
fustian1 shooting jacket, which he took down from a
peg2 in the passage; 尼古拉斯帮老爷穿上衣服,那件他刚从过道衣架上取下的老式绒衣飞行夹克。
and Squeers, arming himself with his
cane3, led the way across a yard to a door in the rear of the house. 斯格威尔拿起手杖,带路穿过院子,来到屋后一座门前。
"There," said the schoolmaster, as they stepped in together; "this is our shop, Nickleby." “到地方了,”当他们一起走进屋内,这位校长开口说,“就在这里,尼克贝。”
It was such a crowded scene, and there were so many objects to attract attention, 眼前景象相当凌乱,房间里到处堆满杂物,尼古拉斯眼神一时顾暇不及,
that at first Nicholas stared about him, really without seeing anything at all. 起初,他紧紧地盯看周围,可压根没看清什么,
By degrees, however, the place resolved itself into a bare and dirty room with a couple of windows, 渐渐地,眼前才变得清晰真切起来。房间里仅有两扇破窗,
whereof a tenth part might be of glass, the remainder being stopped up with old copy books and paper. 遍地肮脏,龌龊不堪,光线阴暗稀少,堆满破旧的抄写本和纸张。
There were a couple of long, old, rickety desks, cut and
notched4, and inked and damaged in every possible way; 两张狭长颓旧的桌子摆在那里,看起来摇摇晃晃,桌上布满凹槽刻痕,桌面墨迹斑斑,难以想象的破损模样。
two or three forms, a detached desk for Squeers, and another for his assistant. 单独摆放的那张是斯格威尔的桌子,另一张是他的助手的。
The ceiling was supported like that of a barn, by crossbeams and rafters, 教室房间的天花板由横椽和洐条支撑搭起,看起来与谷仓差不多;
and the walls were so stained and discolored that it was impossible to tell whether they had ever been touched by paint or
whitewash5. 墙面满是污迹脏渍,颜色乌糟糟的色泽褪尽,实在看不出是否漆过或刷白。