美国语文第五册 第262期:在摇篮中安睡(2)
时间:2018-05-11 02:20:39
Over my heart in the days that are flown, 我的心里,沉淀往日尘封,
No love like mother love ever has shone; 世界上,没有比母爱更为温柔,
No other worship
abides1 and endures, 你毅力坚忍,承受着难言痛苦,
Faithful, unselfish, and patient like yours: 你耐心开导,教育我豁达快乐,
None like a mother can charm away pain 你慈祥宽容,容忍我执拗任性,
From the sick soul, and the world-weary brain. 你坦荡无私,融尽我冥顽冰山。
Slumber’s soft calms o’er my heavy lids creep; 你美丽笑容,成就母亲伟大的包容,
Rock me to sleep, mother,—rock me to sleep! 妈妈呵,慢慢荡起摇篮,让我入眠!
Come, let your brown hair, just lighted with gold, 妈妈,垂落你褐色头发,
Fall on your shoulders again, as of old; 阳光下, 金光飘逸地微笑走来,
Let it drop over my forehead to-night, 你的长发,今晚能否拂过我的前额,
Shading my faint eyes away from the light; 为我再次,遮挡那炫目的光线?
For with its sunny-edged shadows once more, 你的鬓发,或许随艳阳周边阴影,
Haply will
throng2 the sweet visions of yore; 如梦幻觉,再度裹杂甜蜜而来,
Lovingly, softly, its bright billows sweep; 潋滟的光,那么温馨,扑面清新,
Rock me to sleep, mother,—rock me to sleep! 妈妈呵, 慢慢荡起摇篮,让我入眠!
Mother, dear mother, the years have been long 亲爱的妈妈,多少风雨沧桑走过,
Since I last listened your lullaby song; 最后聆听,你唱起醉人的摇篮曲,
Sing, then, and unto my soul it shall seem 那缕歌声,心底萦绕已久,
Womanhood’s years have been only a dream! 尽管我,早已不再年轻!
Clasped to your heart in a loving embrace, 光影迷乱,你以如此方式与我相逢,
Never hereafter to wake or to weep; 今生今世,我不愿醒来,不再哭泣,
Rock me to sleep, mother,—rock me to sleep! 妈妈呵,慢慢荡起摇篮,让我入眠!