美国语文第五册 第318期:北极光(2)
时间:2018-05-14 02:37:13
The girl put her hand on her father’s head, and reminded him that she had had her big greyhound, Bras, imprisoned1 all the afternoon, 姑娘将手搭放在父亲额头,父亲想起女儿养的那条格雷伊猎犬布莱丝,那天布莱丝被关了整整一个下午,
and that she had to go down to Borvabost with a message for some people who were leaving by the boat in the morning. 当时希拉要去波沃博斯特给人送信,那些人第二天一早就要乘船离开。
“But you can not go away down to Borvabost by yourself, Sheila,” said Ingram. “It will be dark before you return.” “希拉,你不能独自去波沃博斯特,”英格拉姆说,“回来的路上,恐怕你没到家,天就会黑了。”
“It will not be darker than this all the night through,” said the girl. “没事,不会比这里整晚通宵更黑。”希拉回答。
“But I hope you will let us go with you,” said Lavender, rather anxiously; “最好还是让我们和你一起去吧。”莱维德对希拉说,神情很是焦虑,
and she
assented2 with a gracious smile, and went to fetch the great deerhound that was her constant companion. 姑娘豪爽地笑了笑表示赞同,接着,她转身去牵那条猎鹿犬,那狗与希拉总是形影不离。
And lo! he found himself walking with a Princess in this wonderland, through the magic
twilight3 that prevails in northern
latitudes4. 瞧!莱维德觉得自己在这块梦幻土地上与极地公主一起,在北纬充满神奇的极光中穿越莽莽冰原。
Mackenzie and Ingram had gone to the front. 那时,麦肯齐和英格拉姆已先行离开了,
The large deerhound, after regarding him
attentively5, had gone to its mistress’s side, and remained closely there. 那条体积庞大的猎鹿犬警觉地打量莱维德一番,走过来紧紧依偎在女主人身旁。
Even Sheila, when they had reached the loftiest part of their route, 当希拉和莱维德到达路途中海拔最高处,
and could see beneath them the island and the water surrounding it, was struck by the exceeding beauty of the twilight; 两人鸟瞰整个岛屿和周边海面,希拉亦为美轮美奂的极光感到惊悚震撼,
and as for her companion, he remembered it many a time thereafter, as if it were a dream of the sea. 而莱维德眼中的北极光,宛如大海的无边梦幻,多年以后,他依然记起北极天空的寥廓壮观,久久难以忘怀。
Before them lay the Atlantic—a pale line of blue, still, silent, and remote. 大西洋卧在眼前——那是遥远的寂静安宁中一抹灰蓝。