1.万花筒 2012-08-17&08-19 中日钓鱼岛争端激化
Planting the Chinese flag on a disputed island in the East China Sea, Japanese helicopters hover as this turf dispute gets ugly. Protest in Japan, Hon...
2.万花筒 2012-08-14&08-16 罗姆尼确定竞选副手
Join me in welcoming the next president of the United States, Paul Ryan. Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney announces his vice presidential c...
3.万花筒 2012-08-10&08-13 伊波拉病毒肆虐乌干达
From the front lines of the battle against one of the world's most dreaded diseases Ebola. There's a deadly outbreak in Africa, experts from the US Ce...
4.万花筒 2012-08-07&08-09 “鱼鹰”运输机成美日防务焦点
Japan's defense minister and other officials getting an up-close look in an Osprey, a controversial half-plane and half-helicopter, the US military wa...
5.万花筒 2012-08-04&08-06 奥运会四对羽球女双选手被取消资格
Eight elite athletes who were deliberately and flagrantly losing their matches. Why? ABC抯 Bill Weir is uncovering tonight from the London Olympic Gam...
6.万花筒 2012-08-01&08-03 每周财经要闻
This thirtieth trading week of 2012 comes to a close with investors sending stocks higher on Friday, betting the European leaders will act to get the ...
7.万花筒 2012-07-29&07-31 伦敦奥运会盛大开幕
After years and months of waiting, London has finally hosted its third Olympics opening ceremony. So for the tens of thousands in the audience and on ...
8.万花筒 2012-07-24&07-28 世上真有“聪明药”?
We want to take you into a kind of secret society, a hidden edge dicovered by some very successful Americans. We discovered sales of a little pill are...
9.万花筒 2012-07-21&07-23 叙利亚正副国防部长被炸死
It was the most brazen and sophisticated attack launched against the Syria regime. Today a suicide bomber managed to get inside the national security ...
10.万花筒 2012-07-18&07-20 美墨边境惊现地下运毒通道
A new symbol of the threat to American families from the river of illegal drugs smuggled into this country from Mexico. A massive tunnel stretching fr...