1.万花筒 2012-07-16&07-17 达瓦孜传人挑战高空蒙眼倒走钢丝失败坠落
A spectacular high wire act, we saw this at the beginning of the show, Chinese acrobats setting out to walk backwards along a 2300-foot-long wire whil...
2.万花筒 2012-07-13&07-15 经济不景气 英国部分妇女高价卖头发
Annette Moores long blonde hair has been her crowing glory for years. Now shes decided to get the lot chopped off. But she wont be paying the salon th...
3.万花筒 2012-07-10&07-12 欧洲第一高楼“夏德大厦”举行落成激光秀
The spectacular light show marked the end of the opening ceremonies for Europe's new tallest building-The Shard in London. The 310 meter high skyscrap...
4.万花筒 2012-07-07&07-09 央行一个月内二次降息
Last year there was too much tightening and this year maybe they are looming behind the curve, parts of the reason maybe the macro-numbers in China co...
5.万花筒 2012-07-04&07-06 玩“剪刀石头布”必胜的机器人
It's just not fair. This robot never loses at Rock, Paper, Scissors. Developed by a lab in Japan, the robot has a built-in high-speed camera and senso...
6.万花筒 2012-07-01&07-03 阿汤哥又离婚了
Katie Holmes has filed her divorce with her super star Tom Cruise in New York city. A long time attorney from Tom Cruise said on Friday. Holmes is rep...
7.万花筒 2012-06-28&06-30 人咬狗事件:罪犯咬伤警犬
Two-year-old Maxx is more than just a dog. He's an officer with the Wilmington Police Department worth about 15,000 dollars. And this weekend he was i...
8.万花筒 2012-06-25&06-27 伦敦奥运开幕式抢先看
We wanted to show you the beginning of our show,really, which is what this strange thing is here and behind the cloth. But this is what we wanted to s...
9.万花筒 2012-06-22&06-24 微软发布全新平板电脑Surface
Big challenge for the iPad this morning, Microsoft's trying to take a bite out of Apple,revealing a brand-new thin tablet called the Surface, probabl...
10.万花筒 2012-06-19&06-21 睡眠不足可能增加中风危险
Our health news tonight is about the lack of sleep and the real consequences for those who don't get enough of it, including the very real increased r...