1.美国语文第五册 第252期:种子的传播与种植(1)
In all the pines a very thin membrane, in appearance much like an insects wing, grows over and around the seed, 松树种子通常长有一层薄膜,形状酷似昆虫...
2.美国语文第五册 第251期:万马千钧
Break, break, break, 冲击,炸开,溅起飞天浪花, On thy cold gray stones, O sea! 噢,大海,不停撞击冰冷峭岩, And I would that my tongue could utter th...
3.美国语文第五册 第250期:雨天
The day is cold, and dark, and dreary; 天气骤寒,满眼沉闷晦暗, It rains, and the wind is never weary; 雨意阑珊,风,从未如此凄冷, The vine still cli...
4.美国语文第五册 第249期:暴躁易怒的妻子(3)
No, you never think of me now. I can easily believe that you were not thinking of me in the least. 压根没想到,你现在怎能想到我,显而易见,你根本不会...
5.美国语文第五册 第248期:暴躁易怒的妻子(2)
Cooke? But, there are so many Cookes. Cant you distinguish her any way? Has she no Christian name? 库克?但是,叫库克的太多了,你难道记不住什么特别的...
6.美国语文第五册 第247期:暴躁易怒的妻子(1)
Mrs. Bollingbroke says: I wish I knew what was the matter with me this morning. 博林布鲁克夫人:我今天早晨真是活见鬼了, Why do you keep the newspaper...
7.美国语文第五册 第246期:天使
Gay, guiltless pair, 同性恋男人,好一对清纯妙人, What seek ye from the fields of heaven? 天国辽阔, 你们在寻找什么? Ye have no need of prayer, 当然...
8.美国语文第五册 第245期:莱茵河畔的士兵(3)
I dreamed I stood with her, and saw the yellow sunlight shine On the vine-clad hills of Bingen,fair Bingen on the Rhine. 我梦想与她牵手伫立,一起漫步...
9.美国语文第五册 第244期:莱茵河畔的士兵(2)
And when he died, and left us to divide his scanty hoard, I let them take whateer they would, but kept my fathers sword; 父亲死后,当全家处理父亲那点...
10.美国语文第五册 第243期:莱茵河畔的士兵(1)
A soldier of the Legion lay dying in Algiers, There was lack of womans nursing, there was dearth of womans tears; 一位德国军团士兵,在阿尔及尔战场上濒...