1.美国语文第六册 第98期:教师和生病的学者(8)
In the silence that ensued, the hum of distant voices, borne upon the evening air, came floating through the open window. 一切随即趋于沉寂,远处的人声...
2.美国语文第六册 第97期:教师和生病的学者(7)
Without replying, she pointed to another room, which the schoolmaster immediately entered; 老妇人没有回答,指了指另一个房间,他连忙走了进去。 and ther...
3.美国语文第六册 第96期:教师和生病的学者(6)
But there was the sun shining and there were birds singing, as the sun only shines and the birds only sing on holidays and half holidays; 这时,阳光还...
4.美国语文第六册 第95期:教师和生病的学者(5)
I think, boys, said the schoolmaster, when the clock struck twelve, that I shall give you an extra half holiday this afternoon. 我想,孩子们,教师说,...
5.美国语文第六册 第94期:教师和生病的学者(4)
when even the bees were diving deep down into the cups of the flowers, and stopping there, 这么热的天,甚至连蜜蜂都要飞到花蕊里藏起来, as if they had...
6.美国语文第六册 第93期:教师和生病的学者(3)
If the master did chance to rouse himself, and seem alive to what was going on, 要是老师猛然醒悟过来,觉察到他们在做什么的话, the noise subsided for ...
7.美国语文第六册 第92期:教师和生病的学者(2)
No boy attempted to violate the sanctity of seat or peg, 没有哪个孩子企图冒犯座位或顺序的神圣, but many a one looked from the empty spaces to the sch...
8.美国语文第六册 第91期:教师和生病的学者(1)
Shortly after the schoolmaster had arranged the forms and taken his seat behind his desk, 老师安排好各年级的座位,在讲台后面的椅子上刚一落座, a small...
9.美国语文第六册 第90期:快活的老先生(3)
I'm a pretty old man, he gently said, I've lingered a long time here below; 我真的老了,他轻声说,我在阴间门口已经徘徊很久了; But my heart is fresh, ...
10.美国语文第六册 第89期:快活的老先生(2)
He lived in the house by the hawthorn lane, With roses and woodbine over the door; 他住在山楂树巷的一幢房子里,门口掩映玫瑰和忍冬; His rooms were qui...