1.美国语文第六册 第79期:三个警告(2)
Yet, calling up a serious look, 然而,他回忆起那严肃的目光, His hourglass trembled while he spoke: 在说话时他的沙漏颤抖个不停: Neighbor, he said, fa...
2.美国语文第六册 第78期:三个警告(1)
The tree of deepest root is found least willing still to quit the ground; 人们发现根最深的那棵树最不情愿的就是离开那块土地; T was therefore said by a...
3.美国语文第六册 第77期:欠债讽诵(5)
The knowing ones eat, as for a race; but a stupid fellow saves his portion; just nibbles a bit, and keeps the rest for another time. 聪明的孩子会像比...
4.美国语文第六册 第76期:欠债讽诵(4)
It is not in the imagination of man to conceive that his creditor has demands upon him which must be satisfied, 无法想象人们竟然认为他的债主已经要求他...
5.美国语文第六册 第75期:欠债讽诵(3)
His house only is known. No. 31 is good pay. No. 31 is ready money. Not a scrap of paper is ever made out for No. 31. 唯一知道的就是他家住在哪儿,31号...
6.美国语文第六册 第74期:欠债讽诵(2)
Many eyes are fixed upon him; many have interest in his well-being; his movements are of concern; 许多双眼睛都盯着他呢,许多人都对他的安康感兴趣,他的...
7.美国语文第六册 第73期:欠债讽诵(1)
Debt is of the very highest antiquity. 在古代的风俗习惯中,债是非常高级的东西。 The first debt in the history of man is the debt of nature, and the fi...
8.美国语文第六册 第72期:国旗颂(2)
Each soldier's eye shall brightly turn 每位士兵的眼睛麻利地一起转向 To where thy sky-born glories burn, 你天生的荣耀迸发的地方, And, as his springing...
9.美国语文第六册 第71期:国旗颂(1)
When Freedom, from her mountain height, 当自由女神离开高山之巅, Unfurled her standard to the air, 迎风展开她的旗帜, She tore the azure robe of night...
10.美国语文第六册 第70期:在弗吉尼亚制宪大会上的演讲(5)
The battle is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. 这场战争比的不单是谁的力量强大,而是取决于谁能保持清醒,谁更主动...