时间:2017-04-10 07:14:53
B: "It's all the beer. I need to start working out again."
A: "That reminds me. I should've hit the gym today."
B: "Where do you work out?"
A: "At Bally's. It's pretty close to home so it is convenient."
B: "How much are you paying?"
A: "I only pay 20
bucks3 a month."
B: "That's pretty good. I think I should join."
A: "If you join, we could work out together. It's so much better working out with another person. It's hard to motivate yourself when you are alone."
B: "What do you usually do in the gym?"
A: "I usually spend about 20 minutes on the step master, and then lift weights for about an hour."
B: "Do you go everyday?"
A: "No. I try to go 4 times a week, but lately, I've been only going about 2 times a week. That's why I need you there. You should join."
B: "Will it help me to get some girls?"
A: "If you get rid of that belly of yours, I promise you'll have a better chance with girls. Anyways, there are so many fine chicks working out at the club."
B: "Really? I'm signing up tomorrow."
A: "There are some girls with tight
outfits4. You can see the shape of their body and some of them are really fine."
B: "As long as there are some ladies with nice legs, I don't mind."
A: "So you're really going to join?"
B: "Yeah. Let's go in tomorrow and I'll sign up. We can work out together."
A: "Cool. Let's go hit some bars to celebrate."
B: "I'm down with that."