舌尖上的中国第1季 第55期:时间的味道(12)
时间:2018-07-19 02:45:22
There are dirts here. 藏的东西就在这里面。
You have to brush them carefully. (用)刷子要刷干净你看。
Look! It's bright red. Very fresh. 红吧,这膏多好,鲜红的这些做醉蟹。
When it's done, all this part would turn black. 做成以后黄都变得很黑的。
The blacker, the better. 越黑越好。
Liquor can help force
crabs1 to spit out dirts. 放入白酒,有利于河蟹吐清泥沙。
Every cook has a unique way to season dishes. 每个厨师都有自己独到的调味方法。
millet2 wine, Wang also has some other secret methods. 除了上好的黄酒,汪姐也有自己的秘方。
Recipes vary from person to person. 配料是每个人不一样的。
It totally depends on my
judgment3. 我觉得我那味料对我就放那味料。
The most important thing is to make the
aroma4 float out. 蟹的鲜味要提出来那个香味要提出来。
It's also very important to seal the container well. 除此之外,密封保存也非常重要。
Shanghai people like pickled food. 上海人喜欢吃糟货。
Delicious pickled pig feet and chicken wings are great
appetizers5. 放点猪蹄、鸡翅膀那个很香,下酒下饭都很厉害的东西。
The key to making pickled food is the vinasse extracted from millet wine. 糟货制作关键是要在罐中加入黄酒里榨出的酒糟。
vessels6 containing pickled food should be placed in shady places. 糟的东西放在家里凉快点的地方不要有太阳照着的地方。
They can't be opened until 10 days after sealed up. 封缸,要10天才能打开。
Ten days later, Wang's dish is finished. 10天之后,汪姐的手艺可以享用了。
Pickled and Drunken are all referred to as a method using wine. 糟、醉其实就是酒渍。
It not only provides a method for preserving food, but also creates a
mellow7 flavour. 它不仅是保存食品的手段也变化出另一种比鲜食更加醇厚鲜美的味道。
Dehydration8 can play a similar role in making dried scallop and mushroom. 脱水干制也会起到同样的作用例如干贝和香菇等。
aromas9 will be released only after a thorough dehydration. 只有经过彻底地脱水它们才能变得芳香浓烈。
Dried laver is widely consumed in China. 在种种干货里面紫菜是一种被中国人广泛使用的食材。
Various Fujian snacks are all cooked with it. 在福建的各色风味小吃中都不难发现这些来自海洋的风味。