舌尖上的中国第1季 第58期:时间的味道(15)
时间:2018-07-19 02:49:35
Some gourmets1 once asserted food cooked without salt taste worst in the world. 曾有美食家断言世界上最难吃的东西就是忘了放盐的食物。
In fact, salt has not only helped improve tenderness, but also provided the most popular method for preserving food. 事实上,盐不仅能为食物提鲜还是全人类在食物保存上最为通行的方法。
Scholars once inferred that human history has always developed accompanied by the smell of salt. 曾有学者推论人类的历史都是在嗅着盐的味道前行。
Tai O, a remote island in the South China Sea, was once famous for the production of sea salt. 大澳,偏居中国南海一隅早年因盛产海盐而闻名。
Various home-made souse fish make up the majority of local
specialties2 and contribute to the continuation of the legends about local
delicacies3. 自家腌晒的各式咸鱼是这里的传统土产,更延续着水乡美食的传奇。
But as a whole generation ages, the ancient flavours fade away. 然而随着一代人年事渐高这些古朴的味道,也渐行渐远。
The locals are more proud of
shrimp4 paste and shrimp sauce than salted fish. 比咸鱼更让大澳人骄傲的是虾膏和虾酱。
And shrimp paste is always an excellent ingredient for making fried dishes and steamed meat. 尤其是虾膏历来都是炒菜和蒸肉的绝佳辅料。
The time-honored shop has seen four generations of managers. 这是一间经历四代人的百年老店。
76-year-old Guo Shaofen is a Tai O native and has 50 years of experience in making shrimp sauce. 76岁的郭少芬,大澳本地人做虾酱已经有50年以上的经验。
The fishing season begins on lunar April 8. “每年出海捕虾的季节是农历四月初八开始。
Compared with each other, shrimp paste is more delicious while shrimp sauce is tenderer. 虾膏与虾酱在味道方面而言虾酱味道“香”、虾膏味道“鲜”。
Shrimp paste should be sliced before you eat it. 虾膏最好是切片食用。
Both the paste and sauce are made with only salt and shrimp by simply drying the
minced5 ingredients on bamboo
sieves6. 无论是虾膏还是虾酱主料和辅料,其实就是再简单不过的盐和银虾制作方法,也无非就是把虾和盐搅碎后放在竹筛上晾晒。
No matter how sauce shops develop in other places, the ancient grocery in the declining fishing village still operates at its own pace. 在当下,无论岛外的酱园如何发展,地处没落渔村的百年老铺还是踩着自己不变的步伐前进。
We used to produce three kinds of shrimp products. 以前我们也有制作共三种虾子产品。
Shrimp paste, shrimp sauce and salted
shrimps7. 虾膏、虾酱及咸虾。
Not everyone likes salted shrimp due to its high amount of salt. 而咸虾因为含盐非常高,味道偏咸不是每个人都懂得欣赏。
And Chaozhou people have made it a crispy
condiment9 by frying it. 或潮州人把咸虾炸脆佐粥。
The old
vat10 could contain almost 3 tons of shrimp paste in the past. 这个已被废弃的木桶想当年,每次可容纳近三吨虾膏。
Today, Guo Shaofen manages the shop with her son. 现在,店铺完全靠郭少芬和她的儿子两个人打理经营。
This is my husband. 这个是我先生,我先生。
Guo married Mr. Zheng at 20, and since then, she had participated in the management until Zheng passed away in 2011. 郭少芬20岁嫁到郑家,从此与先生一起经营这间百年老店直到2011年,相濡以沫的丈夫去世。