舌尖上的中国第1季 第65期:厨房的秘密(6)
时间:2018-07-19 03:03:20
The pig used today weighs 50kg. It has been cleaned. 50公斤的猪,清洗过后。
Now Ouyang is applying salt, sugar, spices and sesame and white spirits all over the skin. 再把盐、糖、五香粉,芝麻白酒等调料抹匀。
Then you need to marinate the pork for a long time. 开始长时间的腌制。
This is essential to achieve the perfect taste. 缺了这个步骤完美的口味就无从谈起。
Chinese prefer fresh-made food, which means the longer the marinade is needed, the better the cook should be at
timing1. 中国人喜欢吃热腾腾的菜肴,所以越是长时间腌制就越需要精确计算距离开席的时机。
Steamed dishes are always the main course at a country banquet. 蒸菜永远是村宴的主角。
They're now preparing pork steamed with arrow root. 粉葛蒸肉,类似扣肉。
It would be similar to the
stewed2 pork if not for the arrow root. 却因为粉葛的加入而大为不同。
The starchy food could absorb the grease of the pork and blend its own sweetness and
fragrance3 perfectly4 with the meat. 这种淀粉食物能将肥肉中的油腻化解到自身当中使甜味和肉香完美中和。
Both the arrow root and pork melt in the mouth, which means it is highly-recommended for the old. 入口即化用来敬老,再合适不过。
The main idea of Pork steamed with Arrow Root is to break it up, while the Jun'an Steamed Pig has to be prepared whole. 粉葛蒸肉是化整为零相比之下,均安蒸猪难度大得多。
3 hours have passed. White spirits are added into the marinade. 三小时后,再次浇上白酒。
Then Ouyang moves the whole pig into a special steam cupboard. 欧阳把整片猪放入特制的蒸柜。
The wetted cloth is now not only a symbol of good luck, but also a means to keep the steam inside. 已经淋湿的红布,不仅是图吉利也能更好地隔绝蒸气。
"Steaming" is one of the basic cooking skills in China. 蒸是中国菜的基本烹饪法之一。
In history, the word "steam" has the same meaning with "sacrifice". 历史上,“蒸”和“祭”同义。
The sacrificial offerings have to be presented to the god intact. 祭品要保持完整形状。
The fluidity of steam enables the heat to be passed evenly, and makes it possible to cook a pig as a whole. 水蒸气的运作,使热量均匀弥散也使得蒸一整头猪成为可能。
About the time now. 差不多了。