舌尖上的中国第1季 第67期:厨房的秘密(8)
时间:2018-07-19 03:14:25
In Chinese kitchens, "steaming" is more frequently used to make staple1 foods than dishes. 中国人的厨房里,除了制作菜肴“蒸”更多用于主食。
Baozi is one kind of Chinese staple. 包子就是其中一种。
It's a kind of dumpling stuffed with various ingredients. 用面皮裹上各种馅料。
The stuffing should be properly steamed, and at the same time, the wrapping should not
collapse2. 在蒸熟内部的同时保证表皮的完美。
Yangzhou is the birthplace of Huaiyang
Cuisine3, one of the most important regional
cuisines4. 作为中国最重要的菜系淮扬菜的发源地。
Yangzhou Baozi is delicate, delicious and juicy. 扬州包子,精致可口,汤汁饱满。
If it's the first time you try Yangzhou Baozi, you'd better be careful with its juicy filling. 第一次品尝的人也许会吃得很狼狈。
25 years after his departure, 72-year-old Ju Changlong returned to Yangzhou from Japan. 离开故乡25年后,72岁的居长龙从日本回到扬州。
Now he is back in the familiar Ye Chun Teahouse, enjoying a cup of tea, with some old friends. 回到熟悉的冶春茶社(居长龙)和老友一起再次品味熟悉的味道。
During the morning tea time, besides Baozi, there must be a plate of Boiled Bean
Curd5 Shreds6 on the table. 早茶桌上除了包子之外一定会有大烫干丝。
Despite its ordinary appearance, the dish is in fact a quite demanding one, as a representative of Huaiyang Cuisine. 这道淮扬看家菜看似平常却对厨师有严苛的要求。
Here, we shall see another secret in Chinese kitchens, and that is the control of knives. 这里,中国厨房的另一大秘密刀工的作用首当其冲。
Tofu has developed a variety of forms since it was invented by the Chinese 2000 years ago. 自从两千年前中国人发明豆腐它就有了诸多变种。
White bean
curds8 of high quality are fine and solid, and not vulnerable. 上乘的白干,细腻紧实,不易断。
But even so, it is by no means easy to cut a piece of white bean curd into hundreds of shreds. 但即使是这样想要把一块白干切成几百根干丝也绝非易事。
The knife control is important, but not the most. 刀法是第二位的。
Something more crucial is the control of heart. 更为重要的,是内心的平静。
If you cut your finger, it's nothing unusual. (手指)这个地方皮削到了这是常有的事情。
apprentice9 does when he tries to use a knife for the first time. (对于)学徒是常事因为没用过刀嘛。
The hundreds of bean curd shreds are now stretching themselves out in the water, 千百根干丝直到浸入水中才真正散开褪去自身的些微生苦,
shaking off some of the bitterness and getting ready to be wrapped by the fine tastes of chicken
broth10 and various fresh ingredients. 准备迎接各种鲜味的包裹清鸡汤,各种鲜味配菜。
shred7 absorbs characteristics of all the materials and becomes a
vessel11 of nutrition and wonderful tastes. 多管齐下,使得每一根干丝都成了营养和极致鲜味的载体。