舌尖上的中国第1季 第73期:厨房的秘密(14)
时间:2018-07-19 08:47:17
Now fry the shrimps1 until they turn bright yellow. 把虾炸熟,炸成鲜黄色。
In old days, one learned how to cook through
apprenticeship2, 区别于传统的师徒间手口相传,
but Zhou knows that nowadays students need to learn as much as possible when they are in school, in order to find a good job. 厨师学校的周赛群知道学生们必须尽快学会更多才能增加就业的砝码。
Her students are all around 20 years old, To most of them, cooking will be a skill to make a living. 这些孩子大都二十岁上下,对于他们中的大多数来说,做菜将会是一门谋生的手艺。
But before they
thoroughly3 master the skill and become magicians in the kitchen, there's still a long way to go. 在成为掌握厨房秘密的魔法师之前等待他们的会是一条漫长的路。
It's not evenly cooked, but I think it doesn't matter. 这里边还有点生没事,这生我觉得没问题。
You may try more marinade next time, to force the flavour to go deeper inside. 汁多一点,然后拿料使劲往里头压这个味道。
Then saute it. That would be okay. 然后再去煎它。就给煎熟了就行。
Dong Zhenxiang is a famous chef and also a
gourmand4. 董振祥,名厨,也是美食家。
He is the person who decides whether a new dish can be added onto menu. 一道新菜品是否能出现在菜单上完全由他定夺。
What do you think of it? 味道怎么样?
It's badly fried. 炸得不好。
You cut it, then it falls apart. 因为你一破开它它的块儿就不完整了。
The appearance is ruined. 就不好看了。
The key is the chicken. We have to get fresh ones. 鸡好,鸡一定要好。
They last only a few days. 就卖这几天。
After that, they will be too tough to be served. And pay attention to the flavour. 再老了就不能卖了然后,味很重要。
It is a usual practice to add new dishes into the menu regularly. 定期推出新菜是中餐馆的惯例。
This time, Dong is trying to cook a classical dish,
Stewed5 Sea Cucumber with Welsh Onion, in an original way. 但招牌菜“葱烧海参”却是一道鲁菜经典。
Chop the onions into small pieces. (把葱)切成小段。
It's original, but very simple. 这是我们自己的一个方法很简单。
Yet from the cutting of onions, seemingly simple, to the extracting of onion oil and
puffing6 up dried sea cucumbers which are more complicated, each procedure has strict
criteria7. 从简单的切葱到复杂的煎葱油,发海参每一环,都有严格的标准。