舌尖上的中国第1季 第81期:五味的调和(3)
时间:2018-07-19 08:52:46
In China, it is often used as a tonic1 在中国,红糖通常被当作营养品
while the Teochew people use it as an ingredient for preserving food. 而潮汕人则偏爱用红糖来腌腊食物
After being roasted for 40 minutes in a wooden roaster, 把腌渍好的鸭子整齐地挂在木桶内壁用木炭火烘烤40分钟后
the preserved ducks
fully2 absorb the flavors of the sauce. 酱料充分浸润到鸭肉内部
Now it's time for the smoking process. 烟熏的时候到了
To everyone's surprise, the smoke comes from burning of sugar
cane3 pulp4. 熏鸭用的燃料居然是甘蔗渣甘蔗屑里面有少许的糖分
The traces of sugar in the pulp can sweeten up the duck's skin. 可以使鸭皮有甜味
It also renders the duck a nice dark color. 也可以使鸭子本身的颜色可以深一点
The store consumes about 40 kg of sugar cane pulp every single day. 店里每天要用掉大约40公斤的甘蔗渣
The material is easy to acquire. 要找到这些材料并不难
Big sugar cane fields are less than 20km away from A Zhi's home. 在距离阿植家不到20公里的山脚下
Traversed by the Tropic of Cancer, the fertile Lingnan region enjoys plenty of sunshine and moist air, 近千亩的蔗林正在蓬勃生长北回归线穿过这片肥沃的土地充足的阳光和湿润的空气
it becomes a main sugar cane production area. 使中国的岭南地区成为甘蔗的主要产区
The sweetness of sucrose comes from the
glucose5 and fructose as a result of
photosynthesis6. 蔗糖的甜味来自分子中的葡萄糖和果糖这是太阳的光合作用带来的
On rainy days of winter, sucrose slowly accumulates in sugar
canes7. 隆冬的雨季,甘蔗悄悄积聚着糖分
It not only provides calories for the human body but also comforts the heart. 这种物质,不仅能为人类补充体能更在缺乏日照的寒冬里抚慰我们的心灵
Sugar is the source of sweetness in desserts in many regions of China. 当然,蔗糖也为中国多个地区的美食提供了甜味的基础