舌尖上的中国第1季 第83期:五味的调和(5)
时间:2018-07-19 08:54:09
After being boiled,syrup1 is poured into a jar. 糖浆熬得恰到好处倒入一个广口锅中
rotation2 of the jar will not only cool the syrup down 轻轻旋转既可以降温,又可以利用离心力
but also remove the air bubbles in it through the centrifugal force. 挤压出糖浆中的气泡
After repeated stretching,the syrup turns white, and then the sugar onion is ready to enjoy. 需要反复拉动棕黄色的糖才能变成白色趁着糖的温度再反复拉动糖葱就做成了
It is a heartwarming scene where the whole family shares sugar onions. 一家人团团圆圆的时候吃糖葱表示一家人甜甜蜜蜜的意思
Yao's sugar onion has 16 neat little pores evenly distributed around every bigger hole. 每一个大孔周围都均匀分布着16个整齐的小细孔
As sweetness accumulates in the air, the final smoked ducks of the day will be soon ready . 一股甜香弥漫开来,今天最后一批熏鸭该出炉了
The ducks sell so well that customers can't even wait for them to dry up before taking them away. 生意前所未有的好食客们甚至等不及墙上的熏鸭晾干
At the same time, the Winter Festival is still just around the corner. 而远处,冬节的脚步也如约而至
In the ancestral hall, a traditional opera begins. 祖祠中,随着大戏的开场
People dedicate gorgeous desserts of all kinds to their ancestors while praying for their own lives. 人们怀着敬意把各种色泽艳丽的甜品奉献给祖先同时为自己的生活祈福
Yao wishes that his cooking skills can bring
well-being5 to the entire family. 阿鸿的心愿,是他的传统手工技艺能继续为整个家庭带来富足
While young A Zhi, on the other hand, hopes to find a partner and expand the business. 而年轻的阿植却希望能找到合作伙伴把店面扩大
Their wishes vary, but they share the same feeling towards sweetness and a positive
prospect6 of future. 尽管每个人的心愿不同但甜味是一成不变的这是幸福的味道也是对未来美好的祝愿