舌尖上的中国第1季 第85期:五味的调和(7)
时间:2018-07-20 00:45:18
Only the Chinese can appreciate the subtlety1 of the mixture of bitterness and fragrance2 中国人喜爱陈皮苦中回甘的芳香
from the dried
tangerine3 peel, just as they appreciate green tea for example. 这一点有些像绿茶只有中国人才能体会出其中的奥妙
Dried tangerine peel originally was used as an herbal medicine, 陈皮首先是一味古老的中药
before chefs began to apply it in cooking dishes, soups and even desserts. 但这并不妨碍厨师们用它来做菜、煲汤,甚至做成甜点
In south China, it can even determine the rise and fall of a restaurant. 在南中国陈皮甚至能决定一家餐馆的兴衰
Macau is a city where the east meets the west. 澳门,东西方文化融合的城市
It's 6 PM, Chen has just returned to his
seafood4 restaurant after he finished taking stocks. 傍晚6点阿伦进完货回到店里他是这家海鲜餐厅的主人
The restaurant, named after his grandfather has rarely seen bad business for more than half a century. 餐厅以阿伦的祖父的名字命名半个多世纪以来生意很少冷清
The secret lies in its most famous dish, dried tangerine peel duck. 秘密就在于餐馆的招牌菜-陈皮鸭
The complicated procedures for cooking the dish were passed down from Chen's grandfather. 陈皮鸭的手艺传自阿伦的祖父制作过程十分繁复
First, the duck is to be marinated for 10 hours with a variety of
seasonings5 before it can be shortly deep fried. 用各种调味料把鸭子腌制10小时后过油略炸
seasoning6 is needed once the duck is fried. 炸好的鸭子需要进一步调味
Dried tangerine peel is a critical ingredient. 陈皮决定了这道菜的独特风味
Add certain amount of water and steam the duck for 2 hours. 盘子里加适量的水,回锅蒸两小时
After staying a long time in high temperatures, all of the dried tangerine peel would dissolve, leaving the duck immersed in the
aroma7 of the spice. 经过长时间的高温陈皮已经不见踪影但它的香气却完全渗入鸭肉的每一个细胞
The fine
texture8 of the dish is largely attributed to the use of dried tangerine peel. 酥烂绵软的口感浓郁甘香的味道全都归功于陈皮