舌尖上的中国第1季 第98期:五味的调和(20)
时间:2018-07-20 01:06:33
The Chinese began to it laver more than 1,000 years ago. 在中国吃紫菜已经有一千多年的历史
It is usually used to make soup. 最常见的吃法是用来做汤
The secret of its flavor-enhancing effect lies in its rich amino acids including glutamic acid and alanine. 鲜味的秘密来自于紫菜中富含的谷氨酸、丙氨酸等多种呈味氨基酸
It is about a third protein. 它们藏于植物蛋白中
When seasoned with the right amount of salt,the amino acids in laver can work wonders to please our palate. 干紫菜的蛋白质含量高达25%以上在食盐的激发下 氨基酸让我们的味蕾感受到了极其鲜美的味道
Fish Balls with Laver in Casserole is a well-known dish of Chaoshan
cuisine1. 鱼丸紫菜煲是潮汕著名的美食
It blends together the
savory2 flavors of fish and seaweed,multiplying the freshness and daintiness of the ingredients. 这道菜把动物和植物的鲜味融合在一起鲜味便成倍增加
Only when the tide
recedes4 can we go there to harvest. 这个浪退下去的时候 我们才能采才安全
It would be too dangerous to do that when the tide rises. 如果说,水涨高起来的时候采是好危险的
You can easily fall into the sea. 如果站不稳的话,就会跌进海里去
In order to get more,Li needs to take some risk every now and then. 为了得到更多的收获老李需要多冒一些风险
For most people today,it takes little effort to enjoy such a
miraculous5 flavor. 而对更多的人来说要获得鲜的味觉享受早已是举手之劳