《复仇》 第321期:进攻是最好的防御
时间:2019-04-19 01:30:47
You sure you're all right? 你真的没事吗
You've barely said two words. 你几乎一言不发
Sorry about your car. 很遗憾你的车成了这样
This will eventually die down. 这事会逐渐平息的
It's gonna be okay. 会没事的
Congratulations, son. 恭喜 儿子
Welcome home. 欢迎回家
Welcome home, Daniel. 欢迎回家 丹尼尔
Daniel. 丹尼尔
Thank God it's finally over. 谢天谢地总算结束了
No, this is a long way from over. 离结束还早着呢
Daniel's a little shaken. 丹尼尔有些吓到了
Somebody spray painted "Murderer" on my car 监狱外有人在我车上喷漆
outside of the prison. 留下"凶手"两字
That's horrible. 太可怕了
Yeah, the press were practically handing out pitchforks at the gate. 是啊 媒体都快把监狱门给拆了
He's not far off. 他说的一点也不夸张
"The times" are questioning 《时代》杂志在质疑
"Page Six" is running a full-page chronicle 八卦版用了一整版来历数
of Daniel's past party-boy ways, 丹尼尔过去不务正业的行径
and Treadwell's anti-Grayson blog 特德韦尔的"反格雷森"博客
is being rerun in every major newspaper. 被各大主流媒体争相转载
This story isn't dying down any time soon. 这事情一时半会平息不了
Well, then we'll starve the beast. 我们不会让他们挖到新闻的
Daniel has nothing to hide. 丹尼尔问心无愧
I think the best thing for him to do 我认为他现在最好的选择就是
would be to get in front of the cameras, tell his story. 直面媒体 说出事情的真相
She's right. 她说的对
The best way to hit this is head-on. 进攻是最好的防御