《复仇》 第366期:为什么前夫还没进监狱
时间:2019-04-22 02:24:37
Agent Mcgowen, 探员麦高恩
why isn't my ex-husband in prison? 为什么我的前夫还没进监狱
Because we haven't found any physical evidence of 因为我们还没找到任何物证
Well, then you haven't looked hard enough. 那是因为你们调查得还不够深入
Before Conrad's head of security was murdered, 在康拉德的安全主管被杀害之前
he told me that he had personally
amassed2 enough evidence 他告诉我 他私藏的证据
to put everyone involved in jail for good. 足以让所有涉及的人进监狱
Now have you searched his Manhattan apartment? 你们搜查过他在曼哈顿的公寓吗
Our warrant is restricted to the
corporate3 offices. 我们搜查令仅局限于他的公司
And the
prosecutor4 can't build a federal case on your word alone. 检察官不能凭你的片面之词立案
Well, he won't have to. 他不需要这么做
You and your team are obviously
incapable5 of 很明显你和你的手下没本事
finding the proof that you need, 找到自己所需的证据
but I assure you that I'm more than capable. 但我跟你说 这难不倒我
Do you think I don't see right through this? 你以为我会看不出你们的用意吗
See through what, Porter? 什么用意 波特
It's a check, not a shoe bomb. 这是一张支票 又不是鞋子炸弹
It's blood money. 这是沾满鲜血的钱
It's to keep me quiet about your parents 用来封住我的嘴 不把你父母
framing their personal thug for Tyler's murder. 将泰勒的死嫁祸给他们的打手这事说出去
You're wrong. 你错了
The guy was a drifter. 那家伙是个流浪汉
He had no ties to my parents 除了勒索过我父母外
They were victims of his, too. 他们也是受害者
Really? 真的吗