《复仇》第7集 第4期:盛大的婚礼
时间:2019-04-26 01:06:36
Who's Narciso Rodriguez? 纳西索·罗德里格斯是谁
He made Carolyn Bessette's dress 当年卡罗琳·贝塞特嫁给约翰·肯尼迪时
when she married John-John Kennedy. 他给她做过婚纱
Oh. That Narciso Rodriguez. 原来是那个纳西索·罗德里格斯
When I was 10, my, um, 当时我只有十岁
foster mom collected magazines 我养母收集了以他们婚礼
with their wedding on the cover, 做封面的杂志
and I was practically
obsessed1 with it. 我迷恋得无法自拔
I wanted, um... 我希望
my wedding to be like theirs someday. 有天我的婚礼也能像他们这样
It's stupid. 很可笑的想法
It's not stupid. 这并不可笑
Money's tight, I know. 我明白的 钱不够用
I'm not 10 anymore. 我也不是10岁孩子
It's fine. 没关系的
"Mason Treadwell"? 梅森·特德韦尔的电话
What do you want, Mason? 梅森 有何贵干
To invite you for lunch chez moi. 邀请你来我家共进午餐
with little Carl's godmother. 进行了一场极为有意思的谈话
Cliffs Notes version-- 简而言之就是
I know about your little jailhouse connection, 我知道你们在监狱里的那点事儿
and I'd like to give you a chance 而我想给你一个机会
to tell your side of the tale. 讲讲你的版本