《复仇》第11集 第8期:七零八碎
时间:2019-04-29 02:42:41
I read through the tech report you provided 我看了你给我的诺氏企业
of everything Nolcorp has in development. 完全发展研究报告
Impressive, right? 写得不错吧
Incomplete, actually. 可惜没写全
There were significant resources
allocated1 2004到2006年有大量资源
between 2004 and 2006 to a project 投入一个项目
that's vanished from the books. 但是报告里却只字未提
Look, Daniel, not all our R&D yields
viable3 products. 丹尼尔 不是所有的研发工作都能取得成果
Well, whatever it did yield could be sold off 但不管结果如何都该廉价出售
to recoup our losses. 弥补成本损失
Unless you're hiding something from me. 除非是你对我故意隐瞒
I'm not hiding anything from you. 我不是故意瞒你
But it has always been my rule 只是我习惯了
to keep failed development in house. 家丑不外扬
Well, everything we do incorporates bits and pieces-- 那些七零八碎的工作...
Well, there are new rules now, Nolan, 那你得改改习惯了 诺兰
full disclosure being one of them. 毫无保留就是其中之一
Now I want a report 我要一份包含所有
detailing all of your abandoned development, 你放弃开发项目细节的报告
and I want it by the end of the week. 而且必须在这周末前完成