时间:2019-05-17 03:21:37
Beautiful. 真优美
Emily. 艾米莉
It's a shame you still feel the need to drop by unannounced. 真惭愧让你觉得你还需要不打招呼就过来
Had you called
beforehand1, I would have invited you to dinner. 如果你提前打个电话 我会请你过来吃晚饭
I had the most
marvelous2 salad of asparagus 我吃了最不可思议的芦笋沙拉
I picked fresh from the garden this morning. 那芦笋是我今早在花园里新鲜采摘的
Well, I'm sorry I missed it. 很遗憾我错过了
Well, I should box some for you... 我应该给你打包一些
along with any animosity you and I may have shown each other. 顺带把你和我对彼此的憎恨一起打包
Let's allow the past to remain so, shall we? 过去的事就让它过去吧 好吗
That's actually why I'm here. 我正是为此而来
I haven't received your RSVP for tomorrow. 我还没有收到你的回函
I'm sure you know that we're unveiling your husband's portrait, 你肯定知道我们明天要揭幕你老公的画像
and I worry that your absence will 如果你缺席的话
send the wrong message. 我害怕会引起误会
Oh, well, I have little concern of what people think of me at the moment. 此时此刻我不太关心大家怎么看我
Well, then this probably won't matter to you either, but... 那么你可能也不会在乎我接下来要说的
I wanted to let you know I ran into Ashley. 我本来想告诉你我遇到阿什莉了
She told me you were having an affair. 她说你有外遇了
And she's so desperate, 她绝望至极
she thought she'd
blackmail3 me to protect your secret. 以为可以敲诈我为你保密
And you came to warn me. 你还特意来提醒我