时间:2019-05-17 03:22:09
Well, that's very kind. 你真是好人
that her facts are as ill-conceived as her
intentions2. 跟她的企图一样拙劣就够了
Oh, I don't doubt that she's wrong, Victoria. 我很肯定她在胡编乱造 维多利亚
But... 但是...
I will say that you seem happy. 我想说你看上去很开心
Is it possible that 有没有可能
someone else has lifted your spirits? 是某人让你心情大好
Like... Patrick? 比如 帕特里克
Oh, of all people, you see right through me. 所有人里 就只有你看出来了
Yes. He showed up the night of Conrad's
election3. 是的 康拉德选举那晚 他来了
Though I haven't laid eyes on him since he was 6 months old, 虽然他六个月大以后我就没再见过他
I had no doubt that he was my firstborn. 但我敢肯定他就是我的大儿子
He's changed my heart. 他改变了我的心
Well, I should head back to the city... 我应该起程回城了
back to the man who changed mine. 回到那个改变了我心的男人身边
I trust that you'll keep this information to yourself. 我相信你会守住这个秘密
Then I trust I'll see you tomorrow. 那我相信明天能见到你