时间:2019-05-17 06:07:18
I mean, that is how you sustain1 a life. 虽然那是你维持生活的钱
Thank you, uh, freelancing, I imagine. 谢谢 毕竟你是自由职业者嘛
What are you talking about? 你在说什么
When Patrick here was of age, 帕特里克成年时
he came and searched for his mother. 他来找自己的亲生母亲
And our general
factotum2, frank, paid him that tidy sum 我们慷慨的管家弗兰克给了他一笔钱
to... disappear. 让他消失
The guy's name was Frank? 那家伙叫弗兰克啊
Well, Frank showed up... 弗兰克找到我
But he only threatened to hurt me. 但他只是威胁要伤害我
I never saw a cent of that money. 钱我一分都没见着
And no
offense3, Mr. Grayson, 无意冒犯 格雷森先生
but my only fear coming into tonight was that 我今晚唯一担心的就是
you'd try to sic him on me again. 你会让他再来害我
Then I have two happy pieces of news to share. 那么我有两个好消息要告诉你
First off, poor Frank is deceased. 首先 可怜的弗兰克已经去世
And I wasn't the one who sent him. 第二 不是我让弗兰克去见你的
That'd be your dear old mum. 而是你亲爱的母亲大人
You did that? 是你做的
It's true. 这是真的
- Excuse me. - No! Wait. -抱歉 -不 等等
When you came looking for me, 你来找我的时候
I suddenly became that scared teenage girl again. 我再次变成那个担惊害怕的年轻少女