时间:2019-05-17 06:12:02
Conrad? 康拉德
Emily? 艾米莉
I guess it's true what they say, 看来人们所言不假
bride's work is never done. 新娘的活儿是永远忙不完的
I haven't been in a
sanctuary1 like this since... 自从不当祭台侍者后 我就已经很多年
I was an altar boy. 没有来过这样的教堂了
Are you here to see Father Paul? 你是来见保罗神父的吗
No, no. Why do you ask? 不是的 为什么这么问
He and I got off on the wrong foot yesterday. 我们昨天做错了事
I got off the wrong foot yesterday, with him, with Patrick... 是我做错了事 对他 对帕特里克
others I care about. 还有其他我在乎的人
Is he in his office? 他是不是在办公室
I’m afraid he is gone. 恐怕他已经走了
There was an incident. 出了点事
He left St. Francis. 他离开了圣弗朗西斯教堂
I've always
deemed2 karma a concept created 我一直认为报应只是一种臆造
to lift the spirits of the unaccomplished, 以慰藉那些毫无成就的失败之人
but recent events have given me pause. 但最近发生的事让我迟疑了