时间:2019-05-20 02:28:32
You know, work's what people do when they don't have money. 人没钱时就得工作挣钱
You should try it. 你也应该找份工作
Why are you here late and not with your fiancee? 你怎么这么晚了不陪未婚妻
She just called to say she was sleeping in the city. 她刚打过电话说在城里过夜
What is she up to? I didn't ask. 她在干什么 我没问
Well, perhaps you should. 或许你应该问问
An engagement is time to ask questions. 订婚之后就应该互相了解
You don't want to find yourself marrying a stranger. 否则岂不是娶了一个陌生人
Emily's hardly a stranger. 我对艾米莉很了解了
Oh, I'm not so sure. 我可不觉得
Did you know that she bought Nolan Ross' new home? 你知道诺兰·罗斯的新家是她买的吗
And who told you that? 谁告诉你的呢
A friend of mine in real estate. 我的一个做房地产的朋友
So clearly you don't know Emily quite as well as you think you do. 很显然你对艾米莉的了解不够深
Otherwise, you wouldn't be harboring the $10 million secret. 要不然你就知道这一千万美元的事了
Well, if it's true, I'm sure she has a
perfectly1 good reason. 如果是真的 我相信她一定有原因
Really? 是吗
Not even her past with Aiden Mathis? 她没有瞒着以前跟艾登·马西斯的事吗
What about him? 跟他怎么了
Sweetheart, were you aware that 亲爱的 你知道吗
even after you asked for her hand in marriage, 你跟她求婚之后
she was sleeping with him? 她还在跟他上床
Who told you that, 这又是谁告诉你的
your real estate agent? 还是房地产的朋友吗