时间:2019-05-20 02:37:13
I just wish you wouldn't give her any ammunition1 to do it. 我只是希望你不要给她机会
Danny, I thought you'd be at work. 丹尼 我以为你会在公司呢
He wears his shame well. 这件衣服真适合他
I look forward to checking out your new place later. 期待见到你的新家
What did I just walk into? - Not exactly sure. 这是什么情况 -我也不确定
Where have you been? 你去哪里了
Out exploring the neighborhood, uh, 在周围散散步
meeting neighbors. 见见邻居
I kind of ran into Patrick, who is now... 我好像碰到了帕特里克 而且
kind of coming to my party. 他可能会参加我的派对
What? 什么
Well, if he does decide to come, keep your distance. 如果他决定要来 你离他远点
We don't know enough about him yet. 我们对他还不是很了解
So, what are you up to today? 你今天打算干什么
owe2 Conrad one last visit before father Paul lands. 保罗神父来之前 我得去看看康拉德
It's okay. 没事的
You can set up over there. 放在那里就行
What's this? - If you're to go out with Margaux, 怎么了 -你要跟玛尔戈出去
you can't wear a hoodie or anything
flannel3. 可不能穿兜帽 也不能穿法兰绒