

时间:2019-05-20 03:00:38



 I know you both want the same thing-- 我知道你们想要的都一样

to undermine my relationship with your son. 破坏我和你儿子的关系
But there is no secret as to why 但我为我朋友买了那套房子
I bought that house for my friend. 这根本没有不可告人的秘密
Oh, of course. 当然  
But we both know the issue is how you bought it. 但我俩都清楚你到底是怎么买的
- Victoria, just-- - how I bought it? -维多利亚  -我怎么买的
You mean, with money? 你这是想说钱么
I'm sorry if that's a sensitive topic 现在钱对于你来说可是个
for you right now, Victoria, 敏感的话题呀  维多利亚  
seeing as you have none. 鉴于你一毛钱都没有
If you ever need a loan, I would be happy to assist, 如果你需要贷款  我很乐意帮忙
or maybe your new financial advisor1 can help you 或者你的这位新财务顾问能帮你
find your way out of the red. 脱离目前的困境
Surely, Aiden, you of all people should know 艾登  你和大家都听好了
the Graysons are completely bankrupt! 格雷森家已经彻底破产了
Come on, Em. 走吧  艾米
Shall we? 走吧
Well, well... it seems the queen has fallen. 不错不错  女王坠落王座了啊



1 advisor JKByk     
  • They employed me as an advisor.他们聘请我当顾问。
  • The professor is engaged as a technical advisor.这位教授被聘请为技术顾问。

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