时间:2019-05-21 03:00:35
While I adore performance art, 虽然我挺喜欢行为艺术的
why don't you just get on with it? 但你还是有话直说吧
I received a call from the hospital today, 我今天接到医院的电话
asking me to come back for an MRI, 让我去拿核磁共振的图
which confirmed... a shocking discovery. 令人诧异的是 检查结果证明
I've been misdiagnosed. 我被误诊了
And I do not, nor have I ever 所以我没有 从没有
- suffered from Huntington's disease. - What? -患上过亨廷顿氏症 -什么
How did they explain the symptoms? 那些症状又如何解释呢
Seems they were brought on by stress 那些都是因压力而引起的
and the Huntington's medication itself. 还有治疗药物的副作用
I realize now what Father Paul meant when he said 我终于明白了保罗神父的意思
that he'd been brought back into my life 他说他回到我的身边
I mean, he was god's
vessel2 to show me 他就是上帝的使者 来告诉我
that I'm meant to live a long and meaningful existence here on earth. 我的人生注定长久而崇高
And Father Paul is now doubtless in heaven, 现在保罗神父一定已经回归天堂
having earned his wings. 成为天使了
Well, maybe he's laughing at you 也许他是在天上笑你
because you had to step down as governor for
naught3. 因为一场误诊而断送了自己的州长生涯
I know I certainly am. 反正我开心得很