时间:2019-05-22 02:38:02
I'm sure it was Jack1. 肯定是杰克说的
He turned her against me. 他让她与我反目
Now she blames me for the loss of her unborn child. 现在她连流产这事也怪在了我头上
You know, when I believed I was dying, 当我以为自己要死了的时候
I was fighting the clock to win her back. 我分秒必争地想要赢回她的心
Now I'm praying that time will heal those wounds. 现在 我祈祷时间能平复这些伤害
Well, when a woman loses the man she loves, 如果一个女人失去了挚爱的男人
Who happens to be the father of her child, 而这个男人又恰好是她腹中孩子的父亲
She feels a pain that is unimaginable... 她所承受的痛苦是无法想象的
One she can neither forget, nor forgive. 这种痛苦 她永远不会忘记 也不会原谅
See it as you must, but I will not lose my daughter 随你怎么想 但我可不想把女儿
to Jack Porter. And in a happy turn of events, 输给杰克·波特 而且可喜的是
I have your british lackey's guarantee on that. 你的英国男仆确保了这点
Sallie, hey, thanks for watching Carl. 萨莉 谢谢你帮忙照看卡尔
I'll, uh, I'll pick him up in a half an hour. Okay? 我半小时后来接他 好吗
All right, bye. 好的 再见
Looking for this? 找这个吗
Who are you? 你是谁