时间:2019-05-22 02:58:54
I thought... I recognized the telltale signs of a woman masking disappointment. 我想 我看到有个女人正失望着
Does this have anything to do with your father's absence? 这跟你父亲缺席有什么联系吗
Am I that obvious? 这么明显么
I have known Pascal since before you were born. 在你出生之前我就认识帕斯卡了
And like most men of means, he is charming... 像所有有权势的人一样 他很有魅力
- and often cruel. - He did not have an accident. - 但也无情 -他不是有事
He refused to come. 他拒绝出席
He sent me this with all his critiques. 他寄给我他所有的文章评论
He hated it. 他讨厌这些
I've done all this work and then he insults me like this? 我为他做了这么多 他还这样侮辱我
Pascal has always viewed women as pretty fools. 帕斯卡总把女人当花瓶看
Chasing his approval would be a fruitless endeavor. 想要获得他的赞同比登天还难
your father couldn't be more wrong. 你父亲这次大错特错
What you have created here is magnifique. 你今天的成就非常大
And as for your father, 至于你父亲
the only advice I can offer is this-- 我唯一的建议是
you can spend your life being controlled by powerful men, 你可以让掌权人士控制你的一生
or you can learn how to control them. 或者你可以学会控制他们