1.Jokes About Doctors
1. I don't like your heart action, the doctor said, applying a stethoscope again. You have had some trouble with angina pectoris, haven't you?You're r...
Little Mary: I find in my history book there is always such number (1451-1560) after the name Christopher Columbus. Would you please explain why, sir?...
3.I Wish I Were A Book
JOHN, for heaven's sake, why can't you just talk to me once in a while? whined Mary. Hun? John responded. Look around you! she yelled as she pointed a...
4.The Dog that Talked
A man was entering a village inn one day, when a large sheepdog lying beside the door looked up, and said to him, Good morning, sir. The man stopped i...
5.Good and Bad News
Two friends who had not seen each other a great while, meeting by chance, one asked the other how he did? He replied that he was not very well, and wa...
6.How did you start the flood?
A doctor vacationing on the Riviera met a lawyer friend and asked him what he was doing there. The lawyer replied, I'm here because my house burned do...
7.76.The Problem of Two Flounders
Simon was an inveterate fisherman, well known for exaggerating the size of "the one that got away". But there came a day when he actually caught two e...
8.77. At the Supermarket
At the supermarket I noticed an elderly man who seemed to be following me wherever I went. As I moved to each aisle, there he was, smiling at me. Now ...
9.78. A Preacher's Topic
A preacher was asked to give a talk at a local women's health symposium. His wife asked about his topic, but he was too embarrassed to admit that he h...
10.79. In the air
Matt and his wife lived in the country. Matt was very stingy and hated spending money. One day a fair came to the nearby town. "Let's go to the fair, ...