1.VOA双语新闻 - 布什会晤欧盟领导人讨论金融危机
French President Nicolas Sarkozy and European Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso meet Saturday with President Bush in a bid for a global overhaul of...
2.VOA双语新闻 - 联合国安理会选出五非常任理事国
Austria, Japan, Mexico, Turkey and Uganda have won non-permanent seats on the U.N. Security Council. They will serve two-year terms beginning in Janua...
3.VOA双语新闻 - 孟加拉国非政府组织荣获人道奖
The world's biggest humanitarian prize has been awarded to BRAC, the largest non-profit organization in the developing world. The 2008 Hilton Humanita...
4.VOA双语新闻 - 奥巴马麦凯恩加紧在战场州竞选
Presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain Friday focused on states that could play a pivotal role in the November 4 election. 美国总统候选...
5.VOA双语新闻 - 麦凯恩和奥巴马出席晚宴互相调侃
U.S. presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama took a lighthearted break from campaigning Thursday at a charity dinner in New York City. Th...
6.VOA双语新闻 - 美国总统选举辩论让水暖工成明星
One of the unexpected stars of Wednesday night's U.S. presidential debate turned out to be someone who was not even on the stage in New York. A man ca...
7.VOA双语新闻 - 欧洲主要股指跌 经济衰退忧心重
European stock indexes have been lower, following earlier falls in Asia. 在亚洲股市普遍下挫之后,欧洲主要股指也随之下跌。 Fears of a sharp global econ...
8.VOA双语新闻 - 联合国粮食机构敦促兑现资助承诺
The U.N. food agency Director General Jacques Diouf urged member states to comply with financial commitments undertaken during a food security summit ...
9.VOA双语新闻 - 奥巴马、麦凯恩选前最后电视辩论
The third and final American presidential debate produced heated discussion of the slumping U.S. economy and some testy exchanges about the conduct of...
10.VOA双语新闻 - 麦凯恩争取赢最后辩论而由弱转强
Republican candidate John McCain is hoping to reverse the dynamics of the race for the White House in his final presidential debate with Democratic ca...