Steve Jobs was focused,intense, driven. 乔布斯专注 对人严厉 要求极高 Some even say, mean. 有人甚至说他很刻薄 He could not tolerate mediocrity. 他不能...
He was about humanizing technology 他致力于将科技人性化 in a way that made it extraordinarily easy, 让其变得无与伦比地便捷 intuitive and an absolute j...
3.《名人传记》之乔布斯如何改变世界20:时日不多 但不能碌碌无为
It did inspire him. 这确实鼓舞着他 It did motivate him to work more and faster and create more things. 使他工作更加发奋 提高产品创新的速度 And in fact...
And it's real now, isn't? 这是真的吗 It's real. 是的 Especially when people turn their Wi-Fi stuff off. 特别是当人们把Wi-fi关掉的时候 He generated the...
Steve was always absolutely incredibly interested in hands. 一直以来 史蒂夫对双手有着极大的兴趣 In fact, he would stand in meetings and sometimes be s...
Even the famously immodest Jobs 就连以狂妄著称的乔布斯 can't predict how transformative his new piece of techno wizardry will be. 也没有预料到这款新产...
Look at how lovely these things are. 看看这些东西是多么可爱 I mean, even when they're off 我是说即使不使用它们 they're beautiful to hold. 拿在手里都觉...
But not everybody is a fan of Apple's growing influence on the music world. 苹果对音乐界影响越来越大 并非皆大欢喜 iTunes almost single-handedly wipes ...
Jobs pushes forward 乔布斯再接再厉 adding the mini, shuffle,and nano to his iPod empire. iPod帝国相继推出了mini、shuffle和nano From the time it launch...
Jobs not only finds a way to level the playing field, 乔布斯不仅仅找到了公平的竞争平台 he establishes ground rules for a whole new game. 他还改变了整...