There's no buttons, really. 一个按键都没有 真的 You --you know it was like a touch and something miraculous happen. You scroll. 好像只要轻轻一碰 神奇...
What's on your playlist? 你的播放列表里有什么歌 Uh, you know, definite, techno, the usual. 你知道的 电子舞曲之类的 Before Steve Jobs did the word play...
At first people said, digital animation, impossible. 最初人们认为数字动画简直是天方夜谭 Too much computer time. 电脑制作时间过长 Too awkward. 画质怪异...
4.《名人传记》之乔布斯如何改变世界9:华丽回归 坚持自我
For the first time, computer characters are warm, cuddly, relatable. 有史以来 电脑人物头一次显得如此有血有肉 活泼可爱 栩栩如生 These were animated cha...
5.《名人传记》之乔布斯如何改变世界8:远见卓识 才华横溢
The visionary pirate is being forced to walk the plank off his own ship. 远见卓识的海盗船长只好被迫离开自己的战舰 He's devastated. 他不知所措 It was a...
6.《名人传记》之乔布斯如何改变世界7:身陷窘境 进退维谷
And he tells people that they are pirates 他告诉大家 他们是海盗 the rest of Apple was the navi, 公司中其他的人则是海军 and they literally fly the pira...
He was looking for something to put his mark on. 他在寻找一样风格独特的产品 And he seized on this little Mac 史蒂夫看中了Mac and Steve got the vision ...
Apple 1, morphed into Apple 2 苹果一代演变为苹果二代 which went further. 技术也更上一层楼 It was faster and had text display, 运行更快 并支持文本 colo...
He ultimately hits upon this idea 他最终认为 that computer technology can be the source of transcendence, 电脑技术将成为历史性的革命 that it can trans...
10.《名人传记》之乔布斯如何改变世界3:一半技术宅 一半嬉皮士
And we are calling it, iPhone. 我们将其命名为 iPhone He was about humanizing technology 他致力于将科技人性化 in a way that made it extraordinarily eas...