Satao was about 45 years old and believed to have been one the largest living elephants in the world. 约45岁的大象萨陶曾经被认为是世界上存活的最大的大...
Poachers have killed one of the worlds largest elephants a famed great tusker named Satao in Tsavo East National Park in Kenya. 在肯尼亚东察沃国家公园...
A trickle of statements from Chinese leaders in recent months have given hope to some residents of Beijing and other smog-choked Chinese cities that t...
双语阅读:全球变暖之后,花儿会更香? Its most ardent advocates say that global warming is gradually ruining our parts of our planet. 狂热的环保主义者说全...
5.研究表明:印度 孟加拉 中国易遭洪灾
研究表明:印度 孟加拉 中国易遭洪灾 India, Bangladesh and China are most at risk from river floods, with an increasing number of people threatened becau...
Message on World Water Day 世界水日致辞 22 March 2015 2015年3月22日 This year, as the UN prepares to adopt a new post-2015 sustainable development age...
Message on International Mother Earth Day 联合国秘书长潘基文国际地球母亲日致辞 22 April, 2015 2015年4月22日 The word mother holds great power. It evok...
双语:潘基文2015年世界环境日致辞 Message on World Environment Day 世界环境日致辞 5 June 2015 2015年6月5日 The theme of this years World Environment Day...
Message from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of World Environment Day 联合国教科文组织总干事伊琳娜博科娃女士世界环境日致...
中美元首气候变化联合声明(双语) U.S.-China Joint Presidential Statement on Climate Change 中美元首气候变化联合声明 September 25, 2015, Washington D.C. ...