1.法律英语就该这么说 第98期:联邦政府颁布了《水清洁法》和《空气清洁法》
必背句型: A:The federal government promulgated the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act. 联邦政府颁布了《水清洁法》和《空气清洁法》。 B:When did the ...
2.法律英语就该这么说 第97期:许多环保诉讼都涉及与政府机构的争端
必背句型: A:Most environmental litigation involves disputes with governmental agencies. 许多环保诉讼都涉及与政府机构的争端。 B:I'm afraid I can not un...
3.法律英语就该这么说 第96期:环境问题直接影响人们的生活质量
必背句型: A:Environmental problems are very important. 环境问题非常重要。 B:Environmental problems directly affect the quality of people's lives. 环境...
4.法律英语就该这么说 第95期:破坏环境的行为可以被法律规定为犯罪
必背句型: A:An act that is destructive to the environment may be criminalized by statue. 破坏环境的行为可以被法律规定为犯罪。 B:It is so serious. 这么...
5.法律英语就该这么说 第94期:这并非我期待的
必背句型: A:It's not what I expected. 这并非我期待的。 B:What is in your mind as you expect? 你期待的是什么样的? It's not what I had hoped for. 这并...
6.法律英语就该这么说 第93期:法院推定抚养费是按时支付的
必背句型: A:What about the maintenance payments? 抚养费怎么办? B:The court presumes the maintenance payments are being paid on time. 法院推定抚养费是...
7.法律英语就该这么说 第92期:你不知道买卖婚姻吗?
必背句型: A:Don't you know mercenary marriage? 你不知道买卖婚姻吗? B:I just know a little. 我只知道一点儿。 Don't you know why I stopped you? 你不知...
8.法律英语就该这么说 第91期:基于丈夫的无理行为她被允许离婚
必背句型: A:Why was she granted a divorce? 她为什么被允许离婚? B:She was granted a divorce on the grounds of unreasonable behavior by her husband. 基...
9.法律英语就该这么说 第90期:终身监禁不能令人满意
必背句型: A:The death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. 死刑减成终身监禁。 B:The life imprisonment is not satisfactory. 终身监禁不能令人满意...
10.法律英语就该这么说 第89期:我建议你仔细考虑一下
必背句型: A:I advise you to consider carefully. 我建议你仔细考虑一下。 B:But I did not have enough time. 但是我没用足够的时间。 My advice to you is to...